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TryHackMe Path Completion

When I start something new, I tend to get caught up wondering if I will finish it. Recently while poking through the learning paths on TryHackMe I noticed I had started the Pre Security path. My progress sat at 15% complete. Now, I’m a couple years past the “beginner” phase of my career, but that number kept bugging me. I couldn’t let it sit there, taunting me. I didn’t have a choice. I opened up the first room and skimmed the material. I was able to easily answer the questions. Over the next three days I worked my way through the rooms here and there. Networking… Linux… Windows… Stuff I know, but a refresher is never a bad thing. I got the path to 100%.

As I sat back and looked at my (small) glory and new ranking in the top 7%, I had a thought. I clicked into the Jr Penetration Tester and Cyber Defense paths. They sat at 5% and 15% respectively. Great, now I get to complete those. It won’t be three days, but I will get them to 100%.

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