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I Finished My Degree! And Other Things!

In 2020 while stuck at home due to COVID lockdowns, I made the decision to enroll in college. It was kind of an off-the-cuff decision, but next thing I knew I was in my first orientation class at WGU. Security+ and Network+ counted toward the degree, and knocked out 4 classes and 14 CUs. That left me with 31 classes and 108 CUs. My goal was to finish in 2 years. As it happens, life gets in the way sometimes. 2 years turned into 2 1/2, then 3. Some classes I was able to complete quickly. Others took a little bit longer. Along the way I didn’t fail any exams or certifications, nor did any papers get returned. Actually, there was one paper; I got dinged because my citations weren’t in alphabetical order. Does that count? Everything else though was a pass on my first try.

Oh, since the last post, I also earned my LPI Linux Essentials and Pentest+ certifications as part of my classes. I also had COVID. That sucked.

If I learned anything at WGU, it’s that I’m definitely much better technically than administratively. CySA+ and Pentest+ were definitely my favorite classes. I lingered in them just trying to really absorb the material. On the other hand, the two classes I dreaded and dragged most out were ITIL and Project+. Those two definitely added three months each (an entire term) to my timeline. No matter how much I tried to read the material, I could barely get through a page before I found my mind wandering. It all just sounded like corporate buzzwords put in a blender. If you ask me if I have ITIL or Project+ I’ll deny it.

Now I’m trying to decide what to do next. I’m definitely not trying to get a Master’s any time soon. I want to study more, I want to get back to gaming, and I want to exercise. Since my free time is just a couple hours in the evening I’m gonna try to rotate days on one activity, which basically comes down to day one: exercise, day two: game/tv, day three: study. Then repeat. I think this way I’ll be able to avoid getting burnt out of studying while also not feeling guilty when I’m playing a game instead of being “productive”. I think that’s it.

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