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Fourth Term Down, One To Go

November marks the start of my fifth, and hopefully final, term for my BS program in Cybersecurity at WGU. Reflecting back, I wish I was able to complete more classes. As it was, I pushed it to the last hour, submitting my final paper at 4pm yesterday. I’m marked at 3/5 classes complete; American Politics, Digital Forensics, and Emerging Technologies. The other two I’m waiting on results to be posted.

The Project Management class earned me my CompTIA Project+ certification, which was definitely not fun. I passed the exam on 10/21 and waiting on WGU to get the score report from Pearson Vue. The other class was English Comp II. I don’t consider myself a proficient writer, so I’m constantly triple checking everything. But I did manage to get my Argumentative Essay submitted, so that’s good. It will take them a few days to grade, and hopefully it comes back with a pass. If not I’ll have to try to add it to the end of this new term.

Term five is looking like it will be a blast. My first class is Information Systems Security, which will earn me the ISC2 SSCP certification. The course chatter says it’s basically Security++, so I’m hoping to complete it pretty quickly. After that I have Managing Cloud Security (CCSP), Managing Information Security, and Cyber Defense and Countermeasures (CySA+).

Assuming I get those four knocked out quick enough and the other two go through, there will be three classes left. Time to get it done!

Edit: My English Comp II paper passed! Yay!

Edit2: It took almost a month, but my Project+ score finally posted, so that’s now official!

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