I did a thing yesterday! This one took me a little longer than I was hoping for. I probably could’ve taken it a month ago and scraped by, but I was trying to reinforce more of those concepts I don’t have the opportunity to work with, like security operations. It’s kind of hard for me to feel comfortable saying I know a thing when I haven’t actually done it. I supplemented the training material from WGU with the TryHackMe SOC level 1 learning path. It helped, but I would love a job where it’s one of my duties. I have a couple other training sites bookmarked I’ll have to look into, once I’m done with my schoolwork, that are supposed to simulate more real-world experiences. Anyway, view my cert on my about page!
My next class is Cloud Security, which is supposed to tie in to the ISC2 CCSP certification. I’ll probably run that through the end of the term, which is April. Yes, that means I’m not going to hit my original goal of an April graduation date. I’ll set my sights on July to complete my three remaining classes for next term. It doesn’t feel great, but I would much rather have taken my time with my learning than rush through it.
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